Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thinking over things

It has been awhile since i have blogged so i thought it would be a good time to sit down and express some of the things that are going on in my life currently. To start off, i must say that i am fairly sad to start going back to school in a couple of days because i really feel that this break was one of the best i have had so far. This reason is because i caught up on some much needed rest that i didnt get during my first semester of school and i was able to get out and get some good runs in. And even though i didnt work a whole lot, the times that i did were very fulfilling and worthwhile. I have come to a point in my occupation that i really feel comfortable in my position. And surprisingly, i didnt hang out with my friends that much, and i am pretty ok with that now to tell the truth. Sometimes its good to just spend a night by yourself i think. Too much time away from youself can lead to unwanted change in your personalilty i believe. So overall, i think this was a very beneficial break for me from school and such.
Other issues that need to be talked about in my life include a plethora of things such as girls of course, schoolwork, college, running, etc.
To start off with is the cliche, girls. If you ask any guy they will proly tell you they have some issues with girls in some way or form. For me its not really a big deal, i have just been thinking about having a girlfriend and how it would change things in my life. I have been pondering if i should put in the effort to go out and try to find someone or just wait for a girl to come to me, which prolly isnt a very likely scenario, but who knows. Its just hard because i cant really see myself in a relationship but i think that is only because i havnt been in a realtionship for such a long time that i forgot how fun it is or how nice it is to share feelings like that with someone. I guess we will just see how the next few weeks go for me and i will make a valid assesesment on the issude. For the time being i have got other things to worry about i think.
The next thing is schoolwork. I have just been worried about this upcoming semester about keeping on top of my work in school. I have been known to not have the greatest work ethic wehn it comes to schoolwork and i tend to get bored of things really quickly, which is bad. I think i need to find ways to keep myself focused on the things that i really dont want to work on at the time because i know that when you force yourself to do something that you dont want to do, it will make you a much stronger person and that is something that i need to look forward to.
Even though i am a junior, i am starting to look at colleges. I have a lot of time to decide and i need to wait to see how this next semseter of classes goes and to see how track goes this year before i seriously to start looking. But as of right now, i really think that i want to get to a smaller school. I just think that is a good to start off in smaller classes where you are able to discuss issues with your teacher instead of not being able to get answers to much needed questions. But i am not really stressing that issue as much right now, but i know i will in the near future.
Finally i just thought i would share a little bit about running. I think it is going fairly well for me. Sometimes it is hard to tell myself that i am going to go out and run for an hour, but when you can look back and see what you have accomplished it is a pretty great feeling and i look forward to that feeling now. I am not too worried about track at the point, just trying to stay focused on getting in shape.

Well i believe that is all i have to share at the moment. I got a few things off my chest and im ready to go.

Peace, Love

Alex Zuelke

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Whatever doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger"

So from the last few weeks of training for track i realized this is really gonna start to suck. Everyday i run after school which i am usually pretty tired from anyway, but then after that i have to go to the LAC to lift. After lifting for an hour and a half i have to go to work for three hours. I told myself when i started doing this that it was gonna be tough, but this really is starting to feel like shit. I am sore everyday and i seem to be alot more tired and not excited about much. The wierd thing is though, that whenever i go for a run i feel so much better and when i go lifting i feel alot better. Its starting to feel like a dug. Like i am addicted to it, but whenever im not doing it, i feel tired all the time and i miss it. And now, i have started to drfit away from my goals academically and i am starting to focus on my goals for running more, which is bad, but like i dont know, it feels right to me. I really need to learn how to balance both things in my life because i know i am going to need to have both for any plans that i have in the future. But for now, i will stay focused on my training and hold on to my job because those are two of the things that keep me sane. And i kno in three months when track starts that i will be stronger than i ever was beofre and i am really looking forward to that. If i keep up my training and keep putting in the hard work i know that good will become of it. I just got to stay focused and pay attention to any obstacles that come my way. "Whatever doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger."

Peace, Love,

Alex Zuelke